Kotila, et al. v. Charter Financial Publishing Network, Inc.

United States District Court Western District of Michigan
Case No. 1:22-cv-00704-HYJ-RSK 

A Court authorized this Notice. You are not being sued. This is not a solicitation from a lawyer.

The Court issued its Final Judgement approving the Settlement on June 26, 2024, and extended the deadline by which Defendant is to pay the Settlement Fund to December 2, 2024. Settlement Class Member payments will be distributed after funding is received.

You are included if you are a Michigan resident who subscribed to CFPN’s publications before July 31, 2016 and your name, together with the name of the publication(s) to which you subscribed, were disclosed by CFPN at any time between April 25, 2016 and July 30, 2016 to any third party without your consent. Excluded from the Settlement Class are (1) all Persons whose subscription information was not disclosed to third parties, (2) any Judge or Magistrate presiding over this Action and members of their families; (3) the Defendant, Defendant’s subsidiaries, parent companies, successors, predecessors, and any entity in which the Defendant or its parents have a controlling interest and their current or former officers, directors, agents, attorneys, and employees; (4) persons who properly execute and file a timely request for exclusion from the class; and (5) the legal representatives, successors or assigns of any such excluded persons. 

Those included in the Settlement will be eligible to receive a pro rata (meaning equal) portion of the Settlement Fund, which Class Counsel anticipates to be approximately $275. 

Read this Settlement Website carefully. Your legal rights are affected whether you act, or don’t act.


DO NOTHINGYou will receive a pro rata share of the Settlement benefits - estimated to be approximately $275 - and will give up your rights to sue the Defendant about the claims in this case. No deadline
EXCLUDE YOURSELFYou will receive no benefits, but you will retain any rights you currently have to sue the Defendant about the claims in this case.May 19, 2024
OBJECTWrite to the Court explaining why you don't like the Settlement.May 19, 2024
GO TO THE HEARINGSend in notice of intent to appear, asking the Court for permission to speak about your opinion of the Settlement.May 19, 2024
CLAIMS DEADLINEOnly Settlement Class Members who did NOT receive a postcard Notice must file a claim to be eligible for Settlement benefits.June 12, 2024

This website is authorized by the Court, supervised by counsel for the Parties and controlled by Kroll Settlement Administration LLC, the Settlement Administrator approved by the Court. This is the only authorized website for this case.
Kotila v. Charter Financial
c/o Kroll Settlement Administration
PO Box 225391
New York, NY 10150-5391


Please read for a full explanation of the settlement and your options and all applicable timelines.


Contact us with any inquiries, comments, and/or requests.

Payment Election Form

Submit Payment Election Form here

Important Dates

  • Exclusion Deadline

    Sunday, May 19, 2024 You must complete and mail your request for exclusion form so that it is postmarked no later than Sunday, May 19, 2024.
  • Objection Deadline

    Sunday, May 19, 2024 You must mail your objection(s) and/or notice of intent to appear at the Final Approval Hearing so that it/they are postmarked no later than Sunday, May 19, 2024.
  • Claim Deadline

    Wednesday, June 12, 2024 If you did NOT receive a postcard Notice, you must submit your Claim Form either online or by mail so that it is postmarked no later than Wednesday, June 12, 2024 to be eligible for Settlement benefits. If you received a mailed Notice, you do NOT have to submit a Claim Form.
  • Final Approval Hearing Date

    Wednesday, June 26, 2024 The Final Approval Hearing is scheduled for 9:00 AM ET on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. Please check this website for updates.

Important Documents

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